Keeping your pet free from fleas, ticks and worms
When it comes to fleas, worms and ticks, prevention is better than cure. Speak to our team so we can help you work out your pet’s individual needs.
Preventing fleas in cats and dogs
Fleas are small, brown insects that feed on the blood of your pet.
They are picked up by contact with other animals or from visiting an environment where fleas are present.
While only the adult fleas are found on your pet, their eggs, pupae and larvae live in your house, for example on your pet’s bedding.
Therefore, if adult fleas are found, it is important to treat for all stages of the flea lifecycle to prevent re-infestation.
There are a variety of products available. Some just treat adult fleas while others also work against other stages of the lifecycle. Your practice team will be able to advise you on the most effective products for your pet’s specific situation.
Many owners think that fleas are just a summer problem when the temperatures are warmer. However, fleas can be a year-round problem and maintaining flea protection throughout the year is advised.
Fleas can cause itchiness and skin disease and, in severe cases in very small or young animals, can cause blood loss anaemia. Fleas can also transmit diseases and tapeworm.